اگر تم نہ سنو گے تو میری کون سنے گا۔ ۔مولا

اگر ہو سکے تو براہ کرم اسے بلند آواز سے پڑھیں۔  یا اس کو اتنا زور سے سرگوشیاں کریں کہ آپ خود کو صاف سن سکیں۔  یا اللہ ، میں تم پر تنہا تنہا ہوں۔  میری اپنی کوئی طاقت نہیں ہے۔  جب معاملات اور اوقات میرے لئے ٹھیک گزر رہے ہیں ، میں جانتا ہوں کہ وہ آپ کی طرف سے آئے ہیں اور مجھے اپنی ہی طاقت نہیں ہے۔  میری آزمائشوں میں ، میں آپ پر بھروسہ کرتا ہوں۔  میرے فتنوں اور فتنوں میں ، میں آپ پر بھروسہ کرتا ہوں۔  میری کامیابی اور عارضی ناکامی سب آپ کے ہاتھ میں ہے اور اسی طرح میری جان بھی ہے۔  میری اپنی کوئی طاقت نہیں ہے۔  یا جبار ، یا کریم ، یا ملک ، یا غفار ، الودود ، یا عزیز ، یا لطیف ، میں آپ کے راحمہ کے بغیر نہیں کر سکتا اور نہیں جی سکتا۔  مجھے ہر طرح کی برائیوں سے بچا ، میرے نکلنے اور آنے میں رہنمائی فرما ، اس لمحے ، آج اور اس دن تک جب تم نے میرا مرنا مقصود کر لیا ہو۔  آمین۔  یہ دعا ان شاء اللہ اتنی طاقتور ہے۔  اسے زیادہ سے زیادہ لوگوں تک پہنچا دیں۔  آپ یہ جان کر حیران رہ جائیں گے کہ کتنے لوگوں کو اس دعا کی اشد ضرورت ...

What Quran Says About "Death"?

What Quran Says About "Death"?

What the Quran says about death:-

The one of the in advance difficulties looked by Islam was confusion about death in the anncient Arabs. Quickly, infedals beieved that there was not post-existence. So the Quran talks regarding the matter loudely, vigurously and unequivocally. Furthermore, as per Quran the genuine is the existence Hereafter. The passing isn't the finish of life yet a beginning of genuine which would keep going forever. The life of person has a reason and that design is to comply with Almighty and regard mankind. On the off chance that one satisfies this reason he will be entered in Paradise though the goal of the guilty party is Hell.

"Each spirit will taste of death, and you will just be paid completely your prize on the restoration day; at that point whoever is expelled far away from the fire and is made to enter the nursery he without a doubt has achieved the article; and the life of this world is only an arrangement of vanities."3:185

This is the unchanging law of God characterized in Holy Quran. So the passing is certain and certain. There will never be a way out from it. We should realize then what does demise mean. The Quran gives additionally an admonition in the accompanying stanza: "Any place you are, passing will overwhelm you, however you stay in grandiose towers" (4:78)

To comprehend demise in the light of lessons of Holy Quran, you should initially comprehend what is called life. Each man has got three things in him - body, life and soul. A man is brought into the world with these three things. By death, just the spirit remains and body and life stop to exist. You see the body and existence with your physical eyes, yet you can't see the spirit. As should be obvious the spirit in any event, when the body exists, so you can't see it in any event, when it goes out from the body. There was no life when the body was first framed in the mother's belly. It was from the start a drop of water, at that point a coagulation of bolld, at that point a lumb of substance, at that point there were bones, at that point the bones were dressed with tissue, at that point life was implanted in to a dead figure. So the Quran says: "At that point We raised you up after your passing that you may give thanks."(2:56)

The Quran gives a realistic discription of this development of man from the drop of water till it is conceived. This is the primary excursion of man. The following excursion begins from when he is conceived till he passes on. Right now Quran says: How would you deny Allah and you were dead and He gave you life? Again He will make you pass on and again breath life into you, at that point you will be taken back to Him(2:28). The third excursion starts from the hour of death till the day of Resurrection, and the fourth excursion starts from the Day of Resurrection forward. What we call passing is only the detachment of the body and life from soul. Yet, passing can't decimate you in substance. It decimates your body and life however not your spirit. To this law of Evolution, the Holy Quran attracts our consideration the accompanying refrains:

You should set out upon one phase to another.(84:19)


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