اگر تم نہ سنو گے تو میری کون سنے گا۔ ۔مولا

اگر ہو سکے تو براہ کرم اسے بلند آواز سے پڑھیں۔  یا اس کو اتنا زور سے سرگوشیاں کریں کہ آپ خود کو صاف سن سکیں۔  یا اللہ ، میں تم پر تنہا تنہا ہوں۔  میری اپنی کوئی طاقت نہیں ہے۔  جب معاملات اور اوقات میرے لئے ٹھیک گزر رہے ہیں ، میں جانتا ہوں کہ وہ آپ کی طرف سے آئے ہیں اور مجھے اپنی ہی طاقت نہیں ہے۔  میری آزمائشوں میں ، میں آپ پر بھروسہ کرتا ہوں۔  میرے فتنوں اور فتنوں میں ، میں آپ پر بھروسہ کرتا ہوں۔  میری کامیابی اور عارضی ناکامی سب آپ کے ہاتھ میں ہے اور اسی طرح میری جان بھی ہے۔  میری اپنی کوئی طاقت نہیں ہے۔  یا جبار ، یا کریم ، یا ملک ، یا غفار ، الودود ، یا عزیز ، یا لطیف ، میں آپ کے راحمہ کے بغیر نہیں کر سکتا اور نہیں جی سکتا۔  مجھے ہر طرح کی برائیوں سے بچا ، میرے نکلنے اور آنے میں رہنمائی فرما ، اس لمحے ، آج اور اس دن تک جب تم نے میرا مرنا مقصود کر لیا ہو۔  آمین۔  یہ دعا ان شاء اللہ اتنی طاقتور ہے۔  اسے زیادہ سے زیادہ لوگوں تک پہنچا دیں۔  آپ یہ جان کر حیران رہ جائیں گے کہ کتنے لوگوں کو اس دعا کی اشد ضرورت ...

Is there any gay gene?

| There Is No "Gay Gene" |

 Recently there has been a research publication saying that homosexuality has nothing to do with Genes.  That is, there is no gene or mutation that compels a person to become homosexual.  Therefore, the claims of scientists and atheists were once again proved wrong and science itself did.  Scientists say that there are many social and psychological factors that make people choose homosexuality.  Factors such as what environment a person grew up in, how ideas and education were taught in childhood are very important.
 Since LGBT rights and freedoms are the invention of Western society, this exploration has created a rage in Western society, and especially in the LGBT community.  Because of this pressure, the scientists of this research have created a website where people can be convinced that being gay is not wrong, so there is nothing wrong with continuing this activity.  Western society is trying its best to provide Western ideas and philosophy in some way so that they can assure themselves that our philosophy and ideology is derived from science.

 I would also like to shed some light on a particular aspect of this post as it is not so straightforward.
 A year ago in 2018, a journal published in the same journal attempted to prove that homosexuality is related to genetic mutation.
 A year later in 2019, another research was published in the journal that homosexuality was not related to a mutation or a gene.
 Which of these research is OK?
 Many investigations have already been published in support and opposition to this topic.
 Obviously, two contradictory things cannot be true at the same time.  Homosexuality is a genetic cause and homosexuality is not a genetic cause.  It is impossible for both of these things to be true at the same time.

 The answer is that scientists who want to prove homosexuality with science offer data, research methods and explanations accordingly.
 Scientists who want to know facts in a neutral way do not see any genetic evidence of homosexuality.
 This has been happening for the last several decades and many investigations have been published on this topic.
 Obviously, if you take science out of a neutral research method and prove it to Western philosophy and ideas.
 There is another Western ideology that is forced by the heel of science to prove it is equal to women and men at all levels.  Now that this is a Western philosophy, then some science will have to bring it in.  But there is also a problem. One research says there is a lot of difference between the minds of women and men, while the other research says that there is no difference between women and men.
  The thing is, if dozens of PhD scientists come to prove something, they will prove something in some way.
 The scientific method is a very beautiful and wonderful way to gain knowledge and make inventions.  Therefore, my desire is to allow science to remain science and not make it a medium for proving Western ideas and philosophy.
 It should also be remembered that science is not wrong, science can be wrong!



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